





Wang Tianmiao is Professor and PhD Advisor of Beihang University (BUAA), Honorary Director of Robotics Institute, and Vice Director of Academic Committee of BUAA. He is also a Chang Jiang Scholar, Recipient of the Outstanding Youth Fund, and Chairman of Greater Beijing Region of IEEE Robotics and Automation. As a PI, he served as the leaders of Expert Group on Robotics, Expert Group on Advanced Manufacturing Technology, and Service Robot Task Force in the National High-tech R&D Program (863 Program) during the 10th Five-year Plan, the 11th Five-year Plan and the 12th five-year Plan period, respectively. He has successively served as Director of BUAA Robotics Institute, and Dean of the School of Mechanical Engineering & Automation-BUAA.

He has been engaged in the research of AI and mobile & medical robots for 30 years. He obtained his bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees from Xi'an Jiaotong University, Northwestern Polytechnical University, and Tsinghua University, respectively, followed by postdoctoral research in the Italian National Laboratory of Biomimetic Mechanics. He participated in the 29th Unmanned Test of Antarctic Research Robot. He has been awarded twice the National Second Prize for Progress in Science and Technology, and the first and second prizes of the National Ministerial Award six times.

As a business mentor and an innovation partner of Zhongguancun, he founded Zhongguancun Zhiyou Angel Institute, initiated the establishment of Zhongguancun Zhiyou Scientists Foundation, and participated in the incubation and investment of hard technology projects successively, including Segway-Nineot service robot, Tinavi medical robot and Efort industrial robot. In the next two or three years, he is planning to get involved in the IPO maglev high-speed motor spinning technology, Deepinfar underwater robot, Yunzhou Intelligence USV, AI Speech intelligent speech recognition, UML-TECH agricultural equipment big data services and self-driving, Idriverplus unmanned brain, Remebot neurosurgical robot head and other 3 enterprises. 



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