Brad Nelson

Mr. Brad Nelson, professor of robot and intelligent system in Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich), is also leading the Multi-Scale Robotics Lab. Professor Brad Nelson is studying on the control of subtle object, the manufacturing and application of micrometer-sized robot, the control scheme and production of nanometer-sized object, the R&D of bio-robot, micro electric field and micro magnetic field, etc. Most of his research is applied on the technology of tiny robot, some are on large medical equipment and medical robot. Mr. Brad Nelson received his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering in University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1984. Three years later, he earned his master’s degree in mechanical engineering in University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. In 1995, Mr. Brad Nelson got his doctoral degree in robotics in Carnegie Mellon University and took the position as assistant professor in University of Illinois at Chicago. He was teaching in the University of Minnesota from 1998 to 2002, during which time he was given the title of distinguished professor of the University of Minnesota. The robot Mr. Brad Nelson works on also plays an important role in microbiology and biomedicine, for example, the mechanical operation of biological cells and tissues as well as the nano-manufacturing. Brad Nelson made his presence in visual servo control, sensor integration and web-based robot control and programming. With his assistance, two high tech companies came into being. One company is working on MEMS device measurements and the other is on robot for major cardiovascular surgery.