SUN Dong

Mr. SUN Dong, a professor of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering of City University of Hong Kong, focuses his research on the control and operation of robotic system as well as the precise operation and functional properties analysis on biological cells by micro-nano technology. He is one of the academic leaders who first started in the precise operation and functional properties analysis on biological cells by robots in the world. Currently, his is focusing on micro-nano operation on cells by combining robots, optical tweezers and microfluidics technologies to explore the function of single cells. Since he started his career in the City University of Hong Kong, he presided over 30 research projects, published 2 books and 200-odd papers on authoritative journals and conferences. He was invited to write chapters in 7 books and granted 5 patents. His papers won the best award in IEEE systems journal and conference many times. He is also an editorial board member of several famous international academic journals and presented with gold awards in Hong Kong Awards for Industry, Hongkong-Asia Electronics Exhibition for his participation in many industrial activities including the establishment of ChengDong Technology (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. in Hong Kong Science and Technology Park. Mr. SUN Dong, elected as the chairman of IEEE Robotics, Automation and Control System sub Society in 2007 and 2008, was included as the world highly cited scholar by the Thomson Corporation, participating in and organizing large-scale international academic conferences.