GE Shuzhi

As the tenured professor of Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of National University of Singapore, Mr. GE Shuzhi also takes charge of NUS’s Social Robotics Laboratory of Interactive Digital Media Research Institute. He is among the first round of candidates for China’s Overseas High-level Talent Introduction Program.

As the vice chairman of Control Systems Society of IEEE, he was the general chair and program chair of IEEE International Conferences for many times and was invited to deliver reports to international conferences.He is the associate editor in several Major Journals in Control Field. He works on the R&D in the areas of robotic system, nonlinear control and intelligent control system and its applied research with many innovative results. He has published 3 academic monographs and over 300 high-level papers on international journals and conferences, among which 143 were included in SCI, cited by others 929 times. One of his papers was cited 68 times by other researchers in SCI. He has registered a host of technical patents. He undertook and finished many projects that are across universities, research institutes and industries with a worth of millions of SGD, including Autonomous Robot and its intelligent control, urban autonomous intelligent robot, underwater robot, social robot and installation control of submarine platform.