Professor Zhao Tong, with a master's degree from Harbin Institute of Technology and aDoctor of Engineering degree from Tokyo Institute of Technology, is now a professor with BeijingInstitute of Technology (a specialist enjoying the Special Government Allowance from the StateCouncil) and President of SMC (China) Co., Ltd. He also holds other such titles as Vice Chairmanof Beijing Chamber of International Commerce, Standing Vice Chairman of BDA EnterpriseAssociation, Vice Chairman of BDA Association for Science and Technology, and Honorary Deanof College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Beijing Union University etc. He awardedlots of Honors, including one of first "Returned Overseas Students with Major Contribution to theNation" entitled by the State Education Committee, awardee of the Beijing Venture Award forOutstanding Overseas Returnees, Beijing Model Worker, and recipient of the first and fourth BDA"Boda Contribution Award", Excellent Venture Entrepreneurs with Outstanding Contribution toBeijing City, and National Excellent Entrepreneurs in Mechanics; a member of the delegation ofhigh-level returned overseas talents at the celebrations for the 60th Anniversary of the Foundingof China.