Dean of School of Mechanical and Electric Engineering, Soochow University
SUN Lining is a distinguished professor and Ph.D. advisor at Soochow University. He is arecipient of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars; a distinguished professorunder Chang Jiang Scholars Program; an expert under China's 863 Program, and an expert in chargeof general affairs of MOST's Key Program for Service Robots. His research focuses on micro motionand micro control robots with nanoscale resolution, industrial robots, medical robots, and educationalrobots. He is a State Council Expert for Special Allowance, and a leading talent under China's 10,000Talents Program. In 2010-2012, He was listed as the Jiangsu “Innovative Talents and Entrepreneur”,the first-level talent of Jiangsu's “333 Project” and the “outstanding mid-aged expert”. He is alsoa receipt of "the Mayor's Award" of Suzhou. He was once the chairman of the board of Harbin BoshiAutomation Co., Ltd and Jiangsu Huibo Robotics Co., Ltd. He is currently Dean of School of Mechanicaland Electric Engineering of Soochow University, and he also established the Research Center ofRobotics and Microsystem Research Center of Micro system of Soochow University and Jiangsu KeyLaboratory of Advanced Robotics Technology. In 2014, his team was listed by the Ministry of Scienceand Technology as the innovation team of advanced robotics technology in key area. In 2016, Mr. Sunreceived the Jiangsu Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Elite Award.