Professor, Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems, French National Center for Scientific Research (LAAS-CNRS), France
Jean-Paul Laumond, IEEE Fellow, member of the French Academy of Technologies, is aroboticist. He is Directeur de Recherche at LAAS-CNRS in Toulouse, France. His research isdevoted to robot motion. In 2000 created and managed Kineo CAM, a spin-off company fromLAAS-CNRS devoted to develop and market motion planning technology. Siemens acquiredKineo CAM in 2012. In 2006, Laumond launched the research team Gepetto dedicated to humanand humanoid motion. His current project Actanthrope is supported by the European ResearchCouncil (ERC) and devoted to the computational foundations of anthropomorphic action. Heteaches Robotics at Ecole Normale Sup閞ieure in Paris. He has been the 2011-2012 recipientof the Chaire Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt at Coll鑗e de France in Paris. He isthe 2016 recipient of the IEEE Inaba Technical Award for Innovation Leading to Production.