President, Shenyang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
YU Haibin is mainly engaged in research inindustrial automation. He received three Second Prizes of National Science andTechnology Progress Award and one Second Prize of National TechnologicalInvention Award. The "Networked Control System" team he founded andled was shortlisted in the first batch of Innovation Team in Key Fields forInnovative Talents Promotion Project by the Ministry of Science and Technology.He is granted special allowance of the State Council. He was one of the firsttechnical innovation leaders included in China's 10,000 Talents Program, and arecipient of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, the Scienceand Technology Award for Chinese Youth, and the Outstanding Technological InnovationAward for Chinese Youth. He was honored as an "Outstanding Science andTechnology Worker of China". He is currently Director of State KeyLaboratory of Robotics, Deputy Chair of the Chinese Association of Automationand Director of National TC124 on Industrial Process Measurement, Control andAutomation of SAC.