Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE)
Expert in UAVreconnaissance technology; in 1997 he graduated from the Signal and InformationProcessing speciality of Beijing Institute of Technology, and received PhDdegree in engineering. As one of the academic leaders of UAV reconnaissancetechnology field, he presided over the research of multiple UAV reconnaissanceequipment models, conquered multiple key technologies including UAVreconnaissance system modeling, target real-time positioning. His researchachievements played crucial role in the parade for the 60th Anniversary of thefounding of the PRC and the Parade for the 70th Anniversary of the Victory ofAnti-Japanese Aggression War. He received one National Science and TechnologyProgress Award Special Prize and First Prize each, 4 National Science andTechnology Progress Award Second Prizes, 8 provincial and ministerial levelScience and Technology Progress Award First Prizes; he received 15 authorizedinvention patents, and published 4 books.